Forthcoming Services

We cannot yet return to our home at the Chapelle of the Grand Bon Pasteur due to the increase in Covid-19 infections placing the residents of the associated Maison de Retraite at greater risk.
We will continue in September with Sunday Zoom prayer worship services plus two open air services which will be a Morning Worship and a Communion Service, both in the garden at Floirac.
The Covid-19 related restrictions in France are changing regularly so to keep up to date with our Service schedule please regularly visit the Bordeaux service schedule here:
Diary note – Bazaar
Our annual Church Bazaar will be held on Saturday 28th November starting at 14:00 at the Grande Salle de La Fraternite, 7 Avenue Louis Laugaa, 33600 PESSAC . Please click here for a map.
All contributions and offers of help will be gratefully received!
Praise at the Presbytery during Pandemic Times

As the hymn goes … « Trust and obey – for there’s no other way – to be happy in Jesus – than to trust and obey » Throughout the Chaplaincy everyone is coping admirably with the Covid-19 situation.
In Bordeaux, we are still unable to have our Services at the Chapel of the Bon Grand Pasteur due to the ongoing Covid-19 situation.
Fine weather on Sundays has been a blessing and the Bordeaux parishioners have been fortunate to gather regularly outside in the garden at the Presbytery to praise the Lord.
Many thanks to Tony and also to our lay worship leaders for providing such meaningful services, as well as those working behind the scenes to make it all possible.
Please pray for a more permanent solution as we head into autumn.
Praying for Houry and Hovig surviving in Beirut

Many will remember Houry & Hovig who worshipped with us before returning to their home in Beirut. Following the recent catastrophic events, Pamela reached out to see how they are faring and received the following messages:
Thanks a lot for checking up and your prayers, which are really appreciated at this catastrophic phase.
Thank God we have survived this shocking disaster by miracle, as we live very close to the explosion site and our house is badly damaged. Actually, we hadn’t seen such a thing in our life before. It was like a nuclear explosion. We happened to be at home at the time, and the whole building rocked like an earthquake and we could hear terrible screams all over, followed by utter destruction. Things, like windows, shutters, glasses, TV, even doors were blown out from the intensity and falling in all directions.
Praise God again and again that our family are safe and the damages are structural, but the fear and the shock experienced is indescribable and unforgettable. No words can express the feelings we have experienced… It’s devastating, we still can’t believe what happened, the whole city is destroyed, and the process of repair may take some time. Hope this episode will be the last in this already sick country.
Hope you are OK and taking the necessary precautions against Corona.
Greetings to all the members of the Anglican Church in Bordeaux that we really miss… Please keep on praying for us and our country, especially in this unbearable situation.
Warm Blessings & Greetings, Houry & Hovig
Also a second message:
Thank you for your warm thoughts, solidarity and prayers, which mean so much for us. We are still trying to absorb the catastrophic disaster as if it was yesterday. We realize we survived by God’s grace only. We are alive by miracle and we thank God every moment for that. We are still in shock though and under the trauma, and need your continuous prayers to
recover our feelings following this terrible incident.
Hopefully, soon we will try to start repairing the material damage of our house, store, and car, which might take some time.
Thanks again Pamela for your concern. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers, which sooth us at these difficult times.
Your lovely email made us recall the good times we had in Bordeaux. Of course we can never forget your kind gestures and warm welcome to accept us in your church family during our stay there. We wish that we can have the chance to meet again someday!
Best Greetings, Houry & Hovig
In the aftermath of the explosion, the homes of more than a quarter of a million people are now ruined and unfit to live in.
Our Chaplain, Reverend Tony Lomas, has made an appeal for donations to provide emergency funds for the crisis in Beirut. Donations may be made using the secure platform here: The money will then be distributed by the Chaplaincy charitable arm ‘Chap-Aid’.
Whatsupp? ‘Bordeaux Church Family’ on Whatsapp (of course!)

A message from Alyssa now safely home in Guadaloupe:
‘Thank you for all your messages. I am really moved! I arrived home and I am with my family now. Thank you again for welcoming me into the Bordeaux church family. I will be back soon in one year and look forward to seeing all of you again!’
Following a Chaplaincy Virtual Sunday Service:
“I was deeply touched by Andela’s message of hope, but also the call that we all have a part to play. May we as a church family run the race together and help each other over the rough passages and in the joyous moments. How privileged we are to be children of such a loving, good and great God !“
Requests for assistance and offers of help are also there together with happy birthday messages!
It is a comforting family to be a part of in these difficult times. If you are a part of the Bordeaux congregation and would like to join the Bordeaux Church Family group on Whatsapp then please just ask by sending an email stating your mobile phone number to
Every penny and your support COUNT!
Did you notice how France stopped dead in its tracks for almost 3 months and yet our weekly worship quadrupled in its various forms on-line?
The virtual services, including Morning and Evening Prayer, continue at the same pace to increase our regular sharing of the Word and prayer and also to protect the fragile who must remain at home.

Please think and pray seriously about your regular financial giving, great or small. Unable to donate into the collection basket during the Service because you are off to a family outing on Sunday? Or spending 3 weeks on holiday somewhere? Or unable to leave home for various reasons?
Setting up a monthly direct debit is easy as pie and will ensure that ongoing costs are met. Treasurer Barry Gardiner will provide you with the pertinent information. Your financial support will then be regular and with a tax benefit to boot. To contact Barry for details, please email:
Continued good news for Reza

You will have previously read about our Iranian brother, Reza, a refugee in the process of requesting residency in France.
August brought the very good news that he passed a difficult French equivalency test.
He will also be pursuing a career in his passion of football beginning in September.
Two huge blessings for him, thanks to God’s grace and a lot of hard work!
Bravo, Reza. We continue to pray for his family, forcibly separated in these difficult times.