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The Anglican Chaplaincy of Aquitaine is registered in France as an Association Cultuelle under French Law. Neither the Chaplaincy nor our Bordeaux church can give money directly to any outside person or organisation as the law requires us to pass such monies through a separate entity.

In 2006, to make our charitable giving possible and legal, the Chaplaincy created a separate association. CHAP-AID, an ‘Association Caritative’, is managed by a Board of Trustees elected annually.

In summary, Chap-Aid is the charitable arm of the Anglican Chaplaincy of Aquitaine, France and is the organisation the Chaplaincy and our Bordeaux church uses to enable us to express our Christian faith in practical terms to people who are in need.

The charity’s objectives are to collect and distribute funds to enable it to provide relief to those in need, to support outreach, and to care for individuals in France or elsewhere, and to collect and distribute funds to those ends in a spirit of Christian concern. Chaplaincy-wide we support Shelterbox and Médecins sans Frontières in order to respond to emergency situations, as well as the Borehole Project in Malawi.

Bordeaux Charities – Foyer Fraternel Gouffrand

The Foyer Fraternel is a charitable association to help those in need: clothing – food – crèche – welcoming, listening and guiding people who are going through a difficult phase.

Material Giving: You can help by making donations of used/new clothing (clean and in good condition), shoes, warm gloves, bonnets, scarves. For the homeless: soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, small combs etc.

Please bring these donations to church services on any Sunday.

Practical Giving: – You can help by joining the forces at the Foyer every Thursday.  If you would like to lend a hand, please contact:

Foyer Fraternel Gouffrand, Centre Social, 23 rue Gouffrand, 33300 Bordeaux (Map)


Tel: 05 57 87 13 92 or email   Director: Clément Grenier

The Borehole Project – Malawi

The people of Malawi suffer from an inadequate fresh water supply, especially in remote areas. The project’s aim is to create a borehole and related infrastructure so that the needs of the local population’s water and sanitation are met.

Monetary donations may be made at church services or on-line (Chap-Aid website).

The Borehole Project (Update February 2023)

Many thanks to everybody in the chaplaincy for to how they contributed to sinking a borehole at the Henry Henderson institute outside Blantyre in Malawi.

There is now a hand pump with a supply of fresh clear water for the school and I am quoting a message from the school’s chaplain Reverend Charles Magololo who is very grateful to us. There was an outbreak of cholera in Malawi this winter and after the Christmas holidays the schools were not permitted to re-open because of the possibility of cross infection and contamination.

Charles’ huge gratitude to us for ensuring that the borehole was already sunk and working before the cholera outbreak is captured in this small quotation from a message that he sent to me

“In the country cholera has so bad and claiming lots of lives on daily basis, had it been that the campus is there without reliable source of water, our school for sure could be closed for longer. God bless your family and all partners of Aquitaine chaplaincy for the support, God bless you abundantly.”

Heather Gardiner (February 2022)