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Please make a donation online

To make a donation, please click here

French Tax Relief on your donations

French tax relief in action

  • The net cost to you = 110€ – 66% tax relief = 50€
  • The church receives 110€
  • Enter your total donations for the year into your tax form in section La declaration de revenus N° 2042, Subsection 7UD to 7UF.

Our Finances

Our Costs

Bordeaux is one of nine sectors in the Chaplaincy of Aquitaine and your generous giving funds the operation of the Bordeaux centre and the Chaplaincy.  Please give generously to support our work.

To illustrate how the money is spent, the final 2016 cost breakdowns are shown below.  Should you have any questions then our Treasurer is always pleased to respond.

Stewardship & Our Future Financial Requirements

For more information on our future financial needs and how you can assist via your stewardship, please click here

Giving and Tax

Most things work better if they are planned, including our giving to the church. Whatever decision we take based on what we can afford, making a pledge to give a specific amount per year is better managed by regular, planned giving. The and the UK standing order from a UK account or French ‘virement’ from a french account is the easiest way to do it. Once organised in that way, you know what will leave your account each month or year, and we are very happy if you then put nothing in the ‘plate’ on those Sundays you are in church – indeed, you will find little laminated cards when you arrive at church to put in the plate instead.

Not all of us are in the ‘fortunate’ position of paying tax here or in the UK ! For those who are, however, it is worth emphasising that:

  • As described in more detail above, if you are a tax payer in France and for example you give 110€ to the Church, it will only cost you 50€ due to generous tax relief – as our Treasurer says, ‘ It would almost be a sin not to give in this way’.
  • If you pay UK taxes, there is also Gift Aid whereby the Chancellor also contributes a proportion of the tax paid on your earnings.

If you are unsure about committing yourself to a virement or standing order, then you can give online here or by cheque, and still obtain the tax benefits, providing of course you are resident here for tax purposes, and pay tax each year. We keep track of all online and organised giving, and send you a receipt at the end of each year to submit with your tax return.

Helping with my Time and Talents

Giving takes many forms, but all are rooted in the same principle.

So that God¹s work may be done, people give generously of their time and of a broad range of skills and talents – professional, creative, and personal.

Rotas of readers, intercessors, singers, musicians, lay assistants, sidesmen, wardens and, by no means least, providers of refreshments ensure that Services happen and the workload shared in a most enjoyable way: the degree of commitment ensures that Worship and Fellowship is of appropriate quality.

Hosts and leaders of Home Groups; committee members; Sunday School and Youth Group teams; organisers of special occasions, of bring-and-share meals, walks and picnics: all contribute our varied and immensely enjoyable community life. We give of ourselves and take pleasure ourselves as a result. Please feel free to come and join in.

No contribution is taken for granted. If you have a some time to offer please let us know your preferences by completing this simple form here