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Welcome to the Bordeaux Anglican Church in the Chaplaincy of Aquitaine

We are delighted to be welcomed by our Protestant friends to hold our regular Anglican Sunday Services at the Protestant Church in Talence here

Holy Communion and Pentecost Service broadcast LIVE on Sunday 28th May 2023

To watch any of our videos, please click here

Our Church Calendar is here

283 rue Frédéric Sévène


Full house for the joint Service with our Protestant hosts!

Please click here to watch a recording of the Service


Virtual Worship on Sundays

For those who are unable to join us physically at services in Talence, take advantage of joining others throughout the Chaplaincy in virtual worship at whatever time is convenient for you. Please click here for full details

Do not forget to click on the “Prayer & News Update” for news and short wonderful messages from the Chaplain.

Sunday Prayer Time

We decided that we really needed to start praying together regularly – not just the few minutes at the end of our Bible study. We agreed to have a Zoom prayer time every Sunday morning at 10 am. This has been so wonderful – sometimes a small group, sometimes larger come together to pray for 30 minutes every Sunday. Many pray out loud, some join quietly without video. We pray for each other, our church, others and anything that people feel they need to offer in prayer.

It happens every week, some who never came before are now with us regularly, some come every week, others from time to time – this has been a wonderful blessing to our Church community and will continue as long as there are 2 or 3 together in His Name. Contact Heather Gardiner ( to receive an email with the Zoom link or to receive the phone number to call in.

Bordeaux Bible Study

The Bible Study Group continues to meet and study, chat, laugh and pray every Wednesday evening.

We started using “The Bible Project” Bible studies in the Autumn and have so enjoyed them that we have decided to engage in the new series set around “The Bible in a Year”. The format is easy to follow, each week there is a reflection and a video then a series of Bible readings and questions.

Our group is well attended and within this we have a rota of people leading. If you have never looked at “The Bible Project” website – please do so.

The great blessing for us is that because the Bible study is on Zoom, people have been able to attend who could not have managed in person – people with children, those who work and get home too late to set out again, etc. – Praise the Lord!


Lent, the 40 days before Easter when Jesus fasted and was tempted in the desert, is a period of repentance – of turning away from things we shouldn’t do and spending more time with God by … praying, doing something special for someone, giving up something …

Lenten Print-outs for Kids. Below are some things for your children to do during the Lenten season. They are available to print out by clicking on the ‘download button’

The Grace

For everyone in our church family from your Bordeaux Church Committee (‘captured’ below the end of a committee meeting in January):

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all evermore. Amen.