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2017 Holy Week at the Anglican Church in Bordeaux

Thursday 13th April – Maundy Thursday

19:30 at our Presbytery house in Floirac – Agape Service & Meditation with (optional) foot washing – Revd Peter Jordan

If you would like the address details then please request by email to

Friday 14th April – Good Friday

19:30 at La Chapelle de l’Assomption – Readings & Meditation at the Cross – Revd Peter Jordan

Please click here for directions

Sunday 16th April – Easter Sunday

7:17 in the morning outside Cathedral St Andre – Ecumenical Service with Anglican, Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox Churches

10:30 in the morning at La Chapelle de l’Assomption – Easter Holy Communion led by Revd Peter Jordan with the participation of the Choir

Please click here for directions

Followed by our usual Easter Egg Hunt in the Assomption Gardens (children only!)