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2017 New Year Message from Revd. Tony Lomas


La Paroisse Anglicane d’Aquitaine

The Lord says, “Do not cling to events of the past or dwell on what happened long ago. Watch for the new thing I am going to do. It is happening already—you can see it now! I will make a road through the wilderness and give you streams of water there.” Isaiah 43:18-19

Dear Friends,

Ingrid and I would like to send you all our very best wishes for the New Year and to express our immense gratitude to everyone for all that you have done over the last year to make our Chaplaincy such a vibrant place to be. We have been particularly touched by the warmth of the welcome and support that you have shown us which has enabled us to feel remarkably settled in such a comparatively short time.

Naturally now our eyes turn forward to the coming year and I guess we are all wondering what it holds in store for us. It is all too easy to carry a sense of foreboding from the events of last year but, as the above verse from Isaiah reminds us, God is constantly drawing us forward into His future rather than wanting us to dwell on the past. However dry and difficult the terrain ahead of us might seem, He always prepares a path for us and provides us with the water of life.

I delight in the fact that, as a Chaplaincy, we are constantly striving, through prayer, study and worship, to follow God’s path ourselves and to draw others to join us. During the coming year I feel certain that there will be many opportunities for us to grow together as Christ’s body in Aquitaine and to reach out to the various communities in which we live. I feel really excited by the awesome privilege of working through this year with you as your Chaplain and sharing in the many blessings that I am sure God has for us on our journey together.

With much love and every blessing,

Tony and Ingrid