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March News

Retiring collection for the Bishop’s Lent Appeal at all our Services

Please see the main part of the Chaplaincy Magazine ‘Spreading the Word‘ for more details on this worthy appeal, in support of ministry at the English Church of Liège, Belgium. Cheques should be made out to “Chap-Aid” and put in the basket at church. Or you may make an on-line donation via our online payment system HelloAsso: here

Bordeaux Church Local Annual Meeting

Please join us on Sunday 7 March at 14:15 for our Bordeaux Church Local Annual Meeting which will take place prior to the worship service. This is an important meeting which reports back to the congregation on all aspects the life of your Church in 2020. The meeting will also be the opportunity to ask questions and acknowledge and thank those who are stepping down.

We ask you to please think about committing your time and talents to the furthering God’s work in Aquitaine. Many hands make light work!

For those who are unable to join us physically at services in Talence, take advantage of joining others throughout the Chaplaincy in virtual worship at whatever time is convenient for you. Please click here

Don’t forget to click on the “Prayer & News Update” for short and wonderful messages from the Chaplain.

Sunday Prayer Time

Zoom prayer time is every Sunday morning at 10 am. Please contact Heather Gardiner ( to receive an email with the Zoom link or to receive the phone number and code to call in.

Services continue in Talence

Our Services continue in Talence – lucky us. Due to the sanitary crisis and increased numbers of Covid cases in the Dordogne and Lot-et-Garonne countryside, our sister churches have had to close their doors temporarily.

We are so fortunate to have ample space to distance ourselves and to continue worshipping together on Sunday afternoons. Take advantage of the opportunity! With grateful thanks to our Protestant brothers and sisters who have so graciously opened their doors wide for us and also thanks to all our congregation for respecting the Covid rules.

Please click here for our Service and Fellowship Calendar

Our Gospel Service

Our wonderful Gospel Service in early February, led by reader-in-training, Heather Gardiner, included testimonies by Adebode and her daughter Tife (whose favourite Bible story is Jonah and the whale), Heather C, and Reza S. Different stories from different walks and different continents – all very moving and full of the grace of God.

Ash Wednesday Service

Were you there at Bishop Robert’s service reaching all of Europe and beyond? The wonders of modern technology enabled hundreds of Anglicans to gather virtually via Zoom and YouTube to begin the Lenten period.

If you missed it, no problem, please view the video below. If video the does not display properly on your computer, you can find it here

Something for the kids!

Here’s a nice song to learn during Lent: “LET ME BE YOUR LIGHT” by Donna Butler Douglas in the video below.

If the video does not display properly on your computer, you can find it here to view.

Donations to our Charities

We are thankful for the generous donations in the church collection at the Eglise St Augustin during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity service (divided afterwards between the Protestant, Catholic and Anglican Churches).

Our share was divided by two and sent to our local charities, the Foyer Fraternel Gouffrand and the Maison de Marie, for which they are grateful.

Boost your immunity

Garden Yoga!

Boost your immunity to fight Covid, as you await a vaccination! You will have heard about many ways to avoid picking up the Covid-19 virus.

One of them is to boost your immunity by exercising and also increasing your vitamin D intake. So here’s the secret!

Spring has sprung!

The Presbytery garden in Floirac is waiting for you! Lots of space, plenty of sunshine, garden tools …

Abdominal exercises for those who would like to bend down and weed. Stretching for those who would like to prune the small trees. And ivy to pull for those looking for cardio training.

Weekdays and weekends – pick your time. For keys to the kingdom, contact Lindsay ( or Ian ( who will liaise with you.

Grape vine planted by Chaplain David Gerrish circa 2000 and bearing fruit

Save your used stamps

Save used stamps!

Save your used stamps for ICS (the Intercontinental Church Society), which has supported us over the years and is always there to help and encourage us. They also need our help!

By collecting and donating postage stamps, stamp collections and coin collections, you can allow them to grow new missions and sustain Chaplaincies like ours. Please pass your stamps on to Lindsay Megraud at our church services or send the stamps directly to: Mrs. Sylvia Leyton, 1a Mount View Road, Olivers Battery, Winchester SO22 4JJ, UK.

Likewise, you may sign up for an ICS membership or make monthly donations, which are so important during the Covid pandemic. For more information, go to

See who you recognise!