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Anglican Church Bordeaux – February March/Newsletter


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Saying Yes to Life !

Is the title of the book we are studying for Lent. The book is written by Ruth Valerio and is recommended for Lent this year by the Archbishop of Canterbury.

“Saying Yes to Life lifts our focus from natural, everyday concerns to issues that are having an impact on millions of lives around the world. As people made in the image of God, we are entrusted to look after what he has created: to share in God’s joy and ingenuity in making a difference for good. Ruth Valerio imaginatively draws on the Days of Creation (Genesis 1) as she relates themes of light, water, land, the seasons, other creatures, humankind, Sabbath rest and resurrection hope to matters of environmental, ethical and social concern”

We will be meeting each Wednesday night from 19th February until the 1st of April (but not on the 26th February – Ash Wednesday) at the presbytery at 7pm, to discuss the book and the issues it raises. Please come and join us if you are able. If you wold like to follow the material, but are unable to make it to the the Presbytery in Floirac you can find lots of information on the book and the study here: ‘Saying Yes to Life’

I also have some “Live Lent” books, a small booklet with a daily bible reading, a short reflection and a suggested actions to help us all live in greater harmony with God, neighbour and nature. Please let me know if you would like one of these.

Going Paper Free

As we are studying environmental issues during lent, I would like us, as a church family, to consider the amount the paper waste that we generate.

During lent all of our liturgy, hymns and notices will be projected on to the screen. We will not have any pew sheets or service sheets. There will be a bible available or perhaps you would like to bring your own bible to read from if you are reading during the lent services.

It’s a small change, but I think it’s a significant one, and I look forward to receiving your comments about this initiative after lent is over.

Getting Together

Easter Day is on the 12 April, and the committee and I thought it would be wonderful if we could get together after the service for lunch and a time of fellowship.

Our Easter celebration will be at St Pierre at 10.30am and following that, everyone is invited back to the presbytery for a bring and share lunch and games for the children. Pamela has kindly offered to co ordinate the lunch and Nellie is going to be organising transport and car sharing for those who don’t drive. We will be giving you more information in the coming weeks.

Please put the date in your diary and perhaps consider inviting a friend to church and lunch on that day!

Ecumenical Update

We may well be joining our ecumenical brothers and sisters for a special event early on Easter Morning or during Holy Week. I will keep you updated on any news about this.

Tony and I had a lovely Lebanese lunch with our friends from the ecumenical television program which aired in early January on France 2. It was so nice to meet up again, to discuss the program and future projects. We would like to continue to build on the relationship that we have formed and work together again soon on a local projects. Pere Rami gave us a tour of the Maronite Church and produced the most wonderful lunch.

Tony and I left feeling very uplifted and very full of Houmous !


Nellie lead the service on Sunday 9th February talking about “Salt”.

Her table was loaded with a variety of salt to enhance our food plus chocolate. But we, as Christ’s believers, should be the “salt of the earth”, at the same time being careful not to lose our flavour! (Please note that the chocolate was for the children and adults afterwards and the salt flavoured chocolate was particularly delicious!).

Nellie is in training to become a Reader and we pray for her as she continues in her journey of learning and training.

Please keep Nellie in your prayers.


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