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Change of entrance for Cars, Cyclists and Pedestrians



The entrance for cars, cyclists and pedestrians is now in rue Sainte Germaine almost opposite no. 46 but a few metres further on opposite rue Verdier


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bordeaux-2cv-privateBy Car

Revised entrance

  • Easy free and private car parking in the grounds of the Chapelle:
    • Drive along boulevard President Wilson in the direction of Bordeaux Lac
    • When nearing number 370, look out on your right for rue Naujac
    • Turn at the next right turn into rue Sainte Germaine
    • Revised entrance is in rue Sainte Germaine almost opposite no. 46 but a few metres further on opposite rue Verdier – Map
  • GPS
    • Set your GPS to 46 rue Sainte Germaine, Bordeaux
    • On arrival at No. 46, look across the road and you will see the gateway a few metres further on opposite rue Verdier – Map
  • Departure
    • Please exit via the automatic electric gate located on the left at the end of the row of garages as you out of the car park

TBC_Bus_place_des_Quiconces_-_BordeauxBy Bus

Revised entrance

  • Bus stop Carnot is directly outside the Chapelle and the revised entrance is in rue Sainte Germaine almost opposite no. 46 but a few metres further on opposite rue Verdier – Map
    • Bus 05 in the direction VILLENAVE Piscine Chambéry, Bus Stop: Carnot
    • Bus 09 in the direction BORDEAUX Brandenburg. Bus Stop: Carnot
  • Bus stop Barrière du Médoc approximately 200 metres from the church. The entrance is in rue Sainte Germaine almost opposite no. 46 but a few metres further on opposite rue Verdier – Map
    • Bus 05 in the direction EYSINES Sirtema. Bus stop: Barrière du Médoc
    • Bus 06 in direction BORDEAUX Palais de Justice or BLANQUEFORT Caychac; Bus stop: Barrière du Médoc
    • Buses 09, 29, 56, 72, 72 or 703, Bus stop: Barrière du Médoc

By Bikevcub

Revised entrance is in rue Sainte Germaine almost opposite no. 46 but a few metres further on opposite rue Verdier – Map

Below are links to the VCub city bike stations nearest to the church:

The information is ‘live’ and shows:

  • A prediction, based on historical usage, of the availability of a bike up to 12 hours in advance
  • Current number of empty slots to receive bikes – useful for arrival at the church
  • Current number of bikes available for hire – useful for departure after the Service or Event
  • Map to show the exact location of the bike station

Tram-BordeauxBy Tram

Revised entrance is in rue Sainte Germaine almost opposite no. 46 but a few metres further on opposite rue Verdier – Map

Travel by tram also includes a walk through the Jardin Publique which is very atmospheric in the early morning before our 10:30 Sunday Service

  • Tram Ligne C to Jardin Publique
  • Walk through the park and then along rue David Johnson to boulevard President Wilson and turn left
    • Approximately 1.9 km

By Electric City Car

There are numerous bleucub electric car stations across Bordeaux. The nearest station to the church is about 30 metres from the church gates and located at:

  • 314, boulevard du Président Wilson
  • bleucub website in english:



Please ‘click’ on the marker in the map below to display directions when arriving by car.