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Charity Giving

Chap-Aid Giving from the Bordeaux Church in 2018 and a New Year’s Resolution

As the Old Year comes to an end and we look forward to a brighter 2019, a resounding applause for organisers of fundraising events in Bordeaux in 2018 and especially to those who have been generous both financially and in practical ways!

More than 2,000€ were collected for a variety of good causes: Shelterbox which reacts quickly in emergencies and natural disasters, the Bishop’s Appeals for various groups near or far, our own local charities (the Foyer Fraternel Gouffrand, Emmaüs, and soon La Maison de Marie), plus Chap-Aid general funds. Hats off especially to our dear children and their parents who raised over 900€ with their Kids’ Sponsored Walk. What an example!

Thanks too for the blessing of the Christmas Bazaar with 10% of the income going to our local charities. Plus practical items brought to church and hands-on work at the Foyer. And lest we forget … every penny does count! The Coin Jar held more than 100€ in loose change.

We are all called to shine with the light of Christ. Why not make it a New Year’s resolution to offer your time to help others and brighten the world.