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Clergy News from the Chaplaincy of Aquitaine

Good news concerning a permanent Priest for Bordeaux

There are two significant changes that will be occurring in our clergy team this year.

Firstly, as most of you will already know, Bishop Robert has agreed to ordain Charlotte as a Priest. This is a wonderful affirmation of all that Charlotte has done in the Chaplaincy over the last few years and of her own journey of growth in her ministry.

Charlotte will be ordained at a Service in the Chappelle de l’Assomption, Bordeaux on Saturday 17th March at 14:30. It will be a lovely opportunity for us all to celebrate with her.

Following her ordination, Charlotte will celebrate her first Eucharist on Palm Sunday (25th March) at Limeuil. From Easter Sunday, Charlotte will be moving to the Presbytery in Bordeaux and will be helping to lead the strategic and pastoral ministry of the church there.

Thanks to a generous grant from our Patron, ICS, Charlotte will be moved onto a full-time contract and whilst she will be resident in Bordeaux, she will continue to play a full part in the wider ministry of the whole Chaplaincy. Please pray for Charlotte as she prepares for her ordination and for this new phase in her ministry.

Revd Tony Lomas – Chaplain

Secondly, Bishop Robert has asked Tony to take on the role of Area Dean of South Western France with the Vendée.

This is a newly created (part time, voluntary) position in which Tony assists the Archdeacon to strengthen the pastoral care and oversight we can offer to clergy, lay ministers and chaplaincies in this part of France.

Bishop Robert will commission Tony to this role at the end of Charlotte’s Ordination Service in Bordeaux on Saturday 17th March.

Please also pray for Tony as he prepares for this new responsibility.