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December and Christmas at the Anglican Church in Bordeaux

 2nd December, Saturday

14:30 – Christmas Bazaar

The bazaar is always a very enjoyable social afternoon for all and a valuable fundraiser for the church.

The raffle is always popular so you are encouraged to bring a raffle prize with you.  Small or large! The ‘Silent Promise’ auction goes from strength to strength. Full details of other help and contributions that you can make are here.

But most of all come and enjoy yourselves in a festive Christmas atmosphere!  A map and directions are here

3rd December, Sunday

15:00 – Kids Choir Concert

The Children with some assistance from Stephen and Holi Razafindratsima

17:00 – Choral Evensong

Service led by Revd Tony Lomas. A map and directions are here

Please note that there is no morning Service on Sunday 3rd December

10th December, Sunday

14:30 – Madagascan Carol Service

Service led by the Revd Philip Harbridge assisted by Philip Razafindratsima

17:00 – Christmas Carol Service

The Bordeaux Church has quite the reputation and the Christmas Carol Service attracts people from far and wide, it is a multi-national affair.

Over 300 people, including children, attend the Service which will be led by the Revd Philip Harbridge. Carols and Anthems from the Choir and contributions from the Sunday School children and the ‘Kids Choir’.

There is plenty of private parking in the church grounds. A map and directions are here

Please note that there is no morning Service on Sunday 10th December

17th December, Sunday at 10:30 – Holy Communion

Service led by Revd Philip Harbridge

24th December, Sunday at 10:30 – Holy Communion

Service led by Revd David and Revd Angela Marshall

25th December, Monday

11:00 – Christmas Day Holy Communion

Service led by the Revd David and Revd Angela Marshall.  A map and directions are here

31st December, Sunday at 10:30 – Holy Communion

Service led by Revd Robin Nash

In English

En Français