Reverend Charlotte Sullivan led us on Easter Sunday
Christ is Risen! Alleluja!! Bordeaux is privileged to worship in a magnificent Chapelle and this 1st April Easter Morning 2018 was no April Fool’s day!
Christ was amongst us and our much awaited, much prayed for, Resident Priest, was leading an expectant, thankful congregation in praising God for the Resurrection of our Lord. We are renewed!
As Charlotte preached, the bright Spring sun broke through the multicoloured stained glass window panes and a Divine Light shone on the assembly. When Charlotte announced that she was preaching on Fear, many faces portrayed a question mark. Fear on Easter Sunday – impossible! Yet, according to the Gospel of Mark, those who came to the grave, the women who loved Jesus, witnessing His miracles, His wisdom and His love and who came to tend His body, were terrified. If we are honest, so would we have been.
Charlotte led us to come to the foundation of that Fear and helped us to recognise it and move past it, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to the life of Resurrection; of spreading the joyous Gospel News rather than remaining immobilised in our fear or guilt …. The children joined the celebration of song and we were filled with wondrous faith and hope!
Warm and cool refreshments were enjoyed and our children rushed out, accompanied by Sunday School Teachers, Youth Group Leaders and parents, for an abundant, jolly, Easter Egg Hunt in the radiant sun!
We thank the Lord for answered prayers and wish Rev’d Charlotte Sullivan well for her ministry in Bordeaux and elsewhere.