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Eliot’s Baptism

bap 2From Andrew

“It has been a delight getting to know the Ponsin family in advance of baby Eliot’s baptism. Eliot behaved impeccably throughout and didn’t object to having water poured over him.

Thanks to Lindsay & Holi for procuring an attractive green glass font for the occasion.  Alexandra had the children engage in a treasure hunt and they entered into it with gusto – especially as the treasure was all sorts of sweets and biscuits full of e numbers!

The theological point was that we have to seek God wholeheartedly and we considered what hinders us; we all remember what stopped the rich young man in his tracks, but usually it is an over-confidence in our own resources and an under-confidence in God.  Thank you Heather for including some prayers in French.”

(Reverend Andrew Bullock)