Following the tradition of English cathedrals, the Bordeaux Anglican Church Choir will be singing the Evening Prayers of the Church as set to music by the great English and Anglican composers.
The psalms are sung to Anglican chant, and the two evening canticles – Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis – are sung to settings from as early as the 16th century to the present.
In addition, a major anthem is sung highlighting the theme of the day or the season.
The congregation joins in on the Lord’s Prayer, the Apostles Creed and the hymns.
In hearing the texts sung to more extended choral settings one is able to meditate on them and perhaps perceive new insight into them as each composer interprets these texts through music. The worshipper is engaged more through hearing than active participation, yet nevertheless can find that in listening his heart can be moved to add a silent “amen” to the prayers and praises sung by the choir.
What better way to start off the Advent Season! Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday, December 3rd at 17.00.