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Harvest Festival and Holy Communion – Sunday, 15th October 2017 at 10:30

Harvest Festival and Holy Communion – Sunday, 15th October 2017 at 10:30

Please join us at this traditional Anglican Service where we thank the Lord for the harvest and the many good things He has provided throughout the year.

This year, our Harvest Festival Thanksgiving Service with Holy Communion will be lead by our Chaplain the Revd. Tony Lomas.

Your offerings will help in supporting the relief efforts on the island of St Martin in the Caribbean.  One of these efforts is aimed at providing nourishment for the many people who have lost everything that we take for granted.  A loss of proper shelter, food, power and running water due to the heavy and extensive damage caused by the recent hurricane.

If you are able, please bring offerings of non-perishable goods such as canned or dried food which will taken away after the Service and packed into a container for onward shipment to St Martin.

If you would like to help in the decoration of the church please come early, maybe before 10:00 and bring some fresh fruit and/or vegetables and/or foliage.

Dear Congregation and Visitors,


  • Morning Service on Sunday 3rd December 2017 is replaced by our Choral Evensong at 17:00
  • Morning Service on Sunday 10th December 2017 is replaced by our English Carol Service at 17:00

Thank you !