“At Harvest we had a splendid array of foodstuffs for the Foyer Fraternel and the fresh food for the Sisters which the children delighted in bringing forward to be blessed.
The choir sang a Psalm and an anthem and Holi sang Be Still for the Presence of the Lord, accompanied by Rhian on her Celtic harp. It was all very moving.
I must have had the bug that is going around and had hardly any voice at all, so Alexandra stepped in to lead the beginning of the service. I preached on Giving Thanks and Giving, that love always has to be our motivation; the children in Sunday School made and decorated double hearts which smelled of lavender and gave them away to members of the congregation.
I also mentioned our intention of having a Gift Day/Pledge Day on 15th November as we consider how to make our desire to have a full time minister a reality.”
(Reverend Andrew Bullock)
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