The Chaplain and his family’s last service in Bordeaux: The service on June 21st was a memorable one for the many who were able to lift up holy hands to praise God and give thanks for the Vrolijk family who have ministered to Chaplaincy churches in Aquitaine over the past 6 years. Paul and Andrew co-celebrated the service and Paul preached a moving sermon as always.
The little ones lifted up painted hands (!) to prepare a small gift for Janine who has helped out tremendously with the Sunday School.
There was an air of “déjà vu” at the service. The choir sang several anthems which were part of Paul’s installation service held in Bordeaux in February 2009. A special rendition of “You Chose the Cross” by Martyn Layzell was sung by Holi & Stephen with beautiful flute playing by Jenny.
After a congregation prayer and blessing on the Vrolijk family, the choir finished the service with the ever beautiful Halleluja Chorus by Handel.