Hope, Love, Joy, and Peace to All during this Advent Season. Regular services are now resumed at the Protestant Temple, 283 rue Frédéric Sévène, 33400 TALENCE If you need a map or directions then please click here: How to find us
Our first Service after the recent relaxation of the lock down restrictions is:
Advent Service of the Word at Talence on Sunday 6th December at 15:30, led by Christine Rychlewski
Due to the limit on the size of congregations set by the French government, it would be most helpful if you would please let us know if you are able to attend by sending a quick email by clicking: here
If it is your first visit to Talence, full information on how to find us is here
Please check the website regularly for any last minute changes as we restart services and adjust during these difficult covid times. The latest information about our services and fellowship activities is always here: Calendar
Condolences and Prayers
Condolences and our prayers for Johnson, Bebe and their children, Ellie and Elliot on the sad loss of Johnson’s mother. Johnson is a Warden here at our church centre in Bordeaux and his wife Bebe is one of our enthusiastic Sunday School leaders.
Church Committee Meeting

Recent months have provided many challenges, especially when it comes to meeting together.
We hope that you’ll enjoy this collage of your committee (plus Joëlle, Naomi and Ian, not in the photo), meeting on Zoom and working hard behind the scenes on your behalf.
Zooming in to pray
For the last few weeks we have been having a Sunday morning prayer meeting at 10 am via Zoom. This has proved to be a wonderful time of prayer fellowship that has attracted a group of people who have been praying about things close to their hearts – personal, political, local, distant, each other and our church community.
Please join us on Zoom or by telephone. Contact Nellie Salvi (contessasalvi@yahoo.co.uk / Tel. 06 11 37 46 78) to receive an email with the Zoom link or to receive the phone number to call in.
For those who are unable to join us physically, don’t forget to join others throughout the Chaplaincy in virtual worship. Our clergy, readers, and technical team have been doing a sterling job!
The worship service remains on-line so you may watch whenever is convenient for you. To view please click the link here: Sunday Worship Service
Do not forget to click on the “News & Prayer Update” for the latest news and very short but powerful messages by the Chaplain Rev’d Tony Lomas.
The Christmas Season
Arrangements are almost complete for our Christmas Eve Holy Communion Service at Talence starting at 16:30 on Thursday 24th December. We expect confirmation of the time and location very soon.
Arrangements for our Christmas Day Service on Friday 25th December are also being finalised and details will soon be available..
As always, please check the Bordeaux website : www.anglicanbordeaux.org for the latest updates to our church calendar.
Christmas Bazaar
Due to the increased Covid-19 alert in the Gironde, the Christmas Bazaar cannot be held in its usual form.
One of the most popular tables at our annual Christmas Bazaar is ‘Silent Promises where people place bids for the various promises on offer, all of which were kindly donated by members of the congregation. Money raised goes to support the running of the Chaplaincy of Aquitaine, of which we in Bordeaux are a part of, and 5% going to each of our two local Bordeaux based charities which are Le Foyer Fraternel Gouffrand and La Maison de Marie.
This year our Silent Promise table has gone virtual into the clouds but with online bidding available!
Some of the promises on offer are:
• ASSISTANCE and HELP: ‘Gardening, DIY, IKEA, etc.’, ‘Computer or Mobile Phone Help’, ‘Ironing’, ‘Painting, Decorating & DIY’
• HOBBIES: ‘Acrylic Painting’
• HISTORY: ‘Your Family Tree’
• HOLIDAYS & AWAY BREAKS: ‘Week in Edinburgh’, ‘Long Weekend in Arcachon’
• MEALS DELIVERED TO YOUR HOME: ‘Home Cooked Indian Meal for two people’, ‘Meal for 6-8 people
delivered to your home’
• WINE: ‘Bordeaux Vineyards in 2020’, ‘Pomerol, Lunch & St Emilion for two people’, ‘Tutored Wine Tasting for up to 8 people’
The page is password protected and only available to friends of the Anglican Church in Bordeaux and the wider Chaplaincy of Aquitaine.
To see all the promises and make your bids, please email anglicanbordeauxcomms@gmail.com and ask to receive the password.
First Service at the Temple de Talence – We are blessed!
25th October was a wonderful occasion to gather again – and this time in our new venue, welcomed so graciously by our Protestant brothers and sisters at the Eglise Protestante Unie.
Praising the Lord was extra special in a service led by the Chaplain. Alas, the second lock down began in the following week. President Macron has now announced that church services can resume with congregations limited to 30. We are currently planning our December Advent Services and our Christmas Service. Please check our calendar regularly to see the dates as we gradually confirm the service schedule Calendar