Chaplaincy of Aquitaine
Anglican Church in Bordeaux – April 2020

May our hearts be on fire !
Live Morning Prayer Services – every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning at 9.30 a.m., live from the Presbytery (see Charlotte’s message below)
Live Evening Prayer Services – every Tuesday and Thursday at 6.00 p.m., live from the Chaplain’s home
Sunday Services – from 10.30 on. Just go to Church Online Services and Sermons and enjoy the beautiful video-taped services, united together across the Chaplaincy.
Please note! Thursday 21st May is Ascension Day & Sunday 31st May is Pentecost.
The Revd Charlotte Sullivan writes:
Dear Friends
It seems such a long time since our last bulletin and so much has changed in the last two months. I pray that you are all safe and well.
I want to assure you, that the Chaplaincy ministry team is here, planning worship, communications and also praying for you all.
If at any time you would like to chat or to pray with someone, please don’t hesitate to contact me here.
Keeping us all connected in this time of lockdown
For me personally, I have been keeping busy, mainly with the ChurchOnline website. If you haven’t yet had a chance to visit the site then please do so here. There are blog posts from Bramwell and Tony, videos of our services, and also a place where you can request prayer and where you can pray for the prayer requests of others.

Doing church differently over the last 6 weeks has been a steep learning curve as we have gotten to grips with new software, recording sermons, and “live” online meetings.
It hasn’t always gone perfectly, but there has always been the opportunity to learn and to laugh at our mistakes!
I am deeply grateful to Tony for his enthusiasm and for the endless hours he has spent in putting together some very high quality worship for us all to enjoy.
Morning and Evening prayer
As a Chaplaincy we are also offering online Morning and Evening prayer services “live” using zoom. If you would like to join these services you would be very welcome, just send me an email and I can send you the links and the necessary information.
These morning and evening meetings have given me a huge boost each day, to be able to see friends from across the Chaplaincy, to listen to God’s word and to pray together has been invaluable in this time of isolation and I know that others have felt the same.
Bible Study
We also have online bible study on a Wednesday night using zoom and if you would like to receive the information about bible study, simply drop me line and I will add you to the mailing list.
We have also set up a WhatsApp group for the Bordeaux congregation, a place to share thoughts, prayers and inspiration, again if you would like to join this group, please contact me.
Our Bordeaux committee is also meeting online, giving us the opportunity to welcome Joelle and Adrien (new members, elected to the committee in March) and the opportunity to plan, for the present and the future.
I just want to assure you, although we don’t currently meet face to face on a Sunday, our work and prayers as a Chaplaincy continue, there are many opportunities for us to meet virtually, but if you don’t do technology, then please as I said in the beginning of this bulletin I am here, and would love to chat on the phone with you at anytime.
My Love and Prayers
News from last month

Palm Sunday Service online
During one of the online Sunday worship services, our children managed to “recycle” the palm cross.
We enjoyed God’s word together although not with our brethren, but in the comfort of our own dwelling during this COVID-19 lockdown.
We believe many prayers are being cried out to God daily for His deliverance.
Nevertheless, we hope this photo can be uplifting to some. More importantly we have real hope in Christ.
“Celebrating together the Resurrection!” Easter sunrise during confinement in the Bordeaux area
Take a look on facebook here

Remembering our charities during lock down
Praise the Lord for the large family at La Maison de Marie in centre city Bordeaux and their carers under the current and difficult circumstances.
Social distancing has been complicated – instead of eating at one big table, arrangements have been made to have tables for 2 or 3. Those suffering from previous addictions find it difficult not to be outside (other than the garden) to get sufficient exercise. And yet, their monthly letter was full of Hope and Thanks to the Risen Lord. Let our brothers and sisters be an example to us all.
Please keep them in your prayers. Messages of encouragement are very welcome and may be sent to Béatrice here (just mention that you are from the Eglise Anglicane).