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Anglican Bordeaux Newsletter – August 2019


Phew, it has been hot hot hot in Bordeaux !

Still, we were all very pleased to see the sunshine on Saturday 22nd June, our Sports Day! This is the second sports day to be held at the Presbytery and something which I can see becoming an annual event !

Since moving from the Chapelle de l’Assomption at the beginning of the year we have really missed opportunities to just be together as a church family and enjoy each other’s company. Something we did previously at the monthly bring and shares and the picnic and play readings. Events like the sports day give us time to pause, to share and to laugh in a relaxed atmosphere outside of normal Sunday worship.

We had the most amazing bring and share lunch and then games organised by Anne, Johnson and Bebe (Thank You !) Games which included everyone young and not so young, no one escaped !

(Unfortunately, There was no contest for eating the most Hot Dogs but Jaffa and I made up our own, and I won ! )


There have been some departures of some much loved and valued members of our congregation this month.

Dan, Dora, Esther and Teddy Hall, Ryan, Virginia, Henry, John and Meghan Carlson, who have returned to the States. Julien and Aaron have both moved on to take up new posts, and Jane and Chris Bingham have returned to the UK.

We are all so sorry to say goodbye, but offer them our heartfelt thanks for being part of our church family and to assure them of our prayers in their new endeavours.


Wedding season is now upon us in the Chaplaincy and it’s such a joy, we really do get to go to some of the most beautiful places and meet the most lovely people.

I had the opportunity to visit two beautiful churches this month, the first at L’Herbe Légé Cap Ferret. What a beautiful place that is, it’s a trial to get too in heavy summer traffic but well worth the journey. The wedding was held in the Chapelle de la villa Algérienne, right beside the sea and well worth a visit if you have never been.

The other wedding took place in a church I have often driven by and gazed up at in wonder, it perches so high above the valley on a cliff top. You can’t believe my excitement when I realised from the wedding form that I was actually going to take a wedding there (it’s the small stuff that makes us happy isn’t it!).

Eglise St Pierre at St Pey de Castets, is well worth a visit, although the situation of the church is magnificent, with stunning views, you will not be disappointed with the interior and its bright blue chancel !

All thanks and prayers to the wedding couples Jess and Tim, and Nicola and Neville.

Looking ahead

Although things slow down considerably in Bordeaux during the summer months we are continually looking ahead. We are still purposely pursuing a new venue for our church, please be assured of that and please continue to pray for God’s mission in Bordeaux.

September – We will be starting a new discipleship course, more details to follow soon. October – Richard Bromley, mission Director for ICS will be visiting and celebrating our Harvest Festival (6th October). I am pleased to announce that the “Gospel Service Team” will soon be hard at work planning the next service on the 27th October. Please also remember the Women’s retreat on 18 – 20th October.

In the meantime, I hope you have a very blessed and peaceful summer

Charlotte x  (21st July 2019)



READY… 3, 2, 1…. GO!!!! We gathered once again at the Bordeaux Anglican Presbytery on 22nd June 19. Thank God for providing a perfect and beautiful weather to have fellowship and games. We thank God for all His providence, especially children. They made that day more wonderful with fun and laughter.

Games were played among the “young and young-ers”, like picking up marbles with chopsticks, throwing furthest paper arrow planes, stacking wood on top of a wobbly table on grass and many couple more.

The younger group undoubtedly enjoyed more than games expanding their energy outdoors, whilst the young chilled and relax whenever there was a break . The day ended wonderfully with many good memories.



Summer school vacation is finally here! Although the holidays started, it is no “holiday” for Sunday School. That being said, everyone enjoyed the great outdoors, sunshine and nice weather provided by our good good Father. This Sunday is going to be sad for us as we bid one of our brother-in-Christ farewell, as Dan would be heading back to the USA.

Bordeaux Anglican thank him for his valued contribution as a Sunday school teacher and for the active and steadfast participation of his children, Teddy and Esther. We wish the whole family all the best and we know God is with all of us wherever we go.


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