Newsletter February 2020
Future Services
All services in February will take place at 15.30, with the exception of the Ash Wednesday Service on 26th February which starts at 18:30. All February Services are at the Chapel of Le Grand Bon Pasteur,
There is something for the children every week! (like playing Lec Deck!)
- 15.30 Sunday 9th February All Age Worship Nellie Salvi
- 15.30 Sunday 16th February Family Communion Revd Charlotte Sullivan with Sunday School & Youth Group
- 15.30 Sunday 23rd February Morning Worship Christine Rychlewski
- 18.30 Wednesday 26th February Ash Wednesday Service Revd Charlotte Sullivan
The Revd Charlotte Sullivan writes:
January feels like a month just filled to overflowing with the spirit of togetherness!
It was lovely to be back together again at the beginning of the year, as people started to drift back from their Christmas holidays. The community at Bordeaux were very pleased to welcome Fr Robin Nash, who came to lead our first service of the year on January 5th. Our regular bible study on a Wednesday night has started again after a Christmas break, and my thanks to Christine and Pamela for leading and hosting this in my absence!
Usual service will be resumed from this week (22nd Jan) with bible study and a bring and share at the Presbytery from 7pm. For the next couple of weeks we will be discussing the subject of Christian Unity and looking at the biblical passages from this year’s Ecumenical services.
The Bordeaux local committee also came together, and met on January the 9th, all refreshed and ready for the new year ! We had some really helpful and encouraging conversations about the life of our church and many plans for future services and social events in 2020.
But of course, the biggest opportunity to celebrate our togetherness came on Saturday 11th January. When ministers and congregations from local churches (Anglican, Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox and Maronite) came together in the centre of Bordeaux to celebrate Christian Unity.
You can see photos and an article of this uplifting celebration in page 5 of the Chaplaincy magazine here
A recording of the service is available online for the next 30 days if you follow this link: here The Ecumenical Celebration begins at 01:32:10
The Week of Prayer continues for us in Bordeaux, Christine Rychlewski (our Ecumenical Officer) represented us on Sunday 19th at a service in St Augustin. Christine came to church in the afternoon with a lantern containing a candle. A candle which had been lit from other candles stretching all across the world from one originating in Jerusalem. A light as a sign of our unity and togetherness.
We hope to have some more reports in next month’s magazine from the week of Prayer for Christian Unity including one from the service at Chapelle Jasmin (19h Jan) in which we are also taking part.
Some other reports to look out for next month:
There will be the report of the Haggis Supper !! I could not wait for this ! I welcomed everyone to the Presbytery for a real fun filled, family evening. And there will of course, be all our other news, and information about a Chaplaincy wide Lent course for 2020.
Charlotte xx
Epiphany Sunday. 2020 started with wonderful weather. Even though it is the winter season, the kids were brave to have their session outdoors. They learnt about the Gospel of John 1:1-2, which was read beautifully by Tife.
After that, they each shared what they received as Christmas presents as well as a galette des rois.
Many thanks to visiting priest, Father Robin Nash, who led the service for the adults and preached on the “4th Wise Man” and “Giving Christ our Heart” in the New Year.
AAW on 12 January 2020. At the first AAW in 2020, it was a happy sight to see the cars to be parked all the way to the gate! One of our young people did the reading beautifully. Revd Charlotte shared the Good News that God’s Hand is always holding our hands. It was a good reminder, at the beginning of this New Year, of who will be leading us and guiding our every step.