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Service and Eulogly for Stanley Ward – RIP

stanleyStanley Ward who was born on 06/07/1924 and has left us at the ripe old age of 91 for that better place, was a delightful man, quiet, perceptive, courteous, gracious, well-mannered but very, very private.

Banking was his life.  He came to Bordeaux to Barclays Bank in a junior capacity, was posted to Paris where he married his charming and delightful wife Marcelle and they returned together to Bordeaux where he was appointed manager of Barclays.

He was a strong and fervent supporter of our Bordeaux Anglican church and for many years its treasurer.  He was also an active member of the church committee.

Stanley had an interior peace that shone through.  He interiorised.  He had a highly developed sense of right and wrong and if something seemed wrong to him he was immovable is his defence.

He had a quiet wit that he delivered with such a straight face that one was left wondering if he was really joking or not.

He was a man of many parts and many attributes and will be sorely missed.  Marcel our thoughts are with you and with all his family.


(Composed and read by John Salvi)

Dear John,

Thank you for both taking the time and effort to deliver such a moving eulogy at our uncle’s funeral and for emailing the promised transcript so promptly.

It is good to be able to reflect on it at leisure and to show it to our mother. Your observations are very insightful and the phrase ‘banking was his life’ will stay with me.

The warmth and support shown towards us on Friday and the high regard in which Stanley was obviously held by the Bordeaux Anglican Church was a real comfort at this sad time. We know he would have been honoured by your tribute and the coming together of the two churches to say farewell.

Thank you once again.

With best wishes from us both,

Esther and Ruth.