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Sing Praise

singHe who sings prays twice!

Chanter, c’est prier deux fois!

Do you like to sing? Aimez-vous chanter ?

Please join the privileged many who are busy practicing inspiring music with Director of Music, Richard Hunt, every Saturday afternoon from 3 to 5 p.m. in the Chapel. It’s a very rewarding and fun time for all.

Venez chanter avec nous le samedi après-midi de 15h à 17h.

PLEASE NOTE! The Choir has been invited to perform a concert at:

Cathédrale St André June 4th at 3 p.m.

Please note this in your diaries and better yet,be part of the choir!

A noter : Le Chœur Anglican va donner un concert à la Cathédrale St André le 4 juin à 15h. Venez nombreux.