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Welcome to Bordeaux !

In August we welcome Bishop Martin Seeley and Revd Jutta Brueck to minister to us during the month.

Revd Jutta has, since October 2015, been priest in charge of St.Thomas, Ipswich & leader of the St Thomas Pilgrim Community, a new monastic community developing in Ipswich.

Prior to moving to Ipswich, she was priest in charge of St. James’, Cambridge for seven years, having been Chaplain to Fitzwilliam College from 2006-2008 and Chaplain to the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London from 2000-2005, whilst also being assistant priest in the parish of the Isle of Dogs.

Revd Jutta is German and came to the UK in the 1980s, as a student of European Business and Accounting and Finance. She did her ordination training in the Church of England and has been ordained for twenty years.

Bishop Martin has been Bishop of the Diocese of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich since May 2015. Prior to this he was Principal of Westcott House Theological College in Cambridge from 2006 to 2015. This was preceded by ten years as vicar of the parish of the Isle of Dogs in East London.

Their children are Anna, 16 and Luke 14.

Bishop Martin has just participated in a Walking Pilgrimage during Lent, Here is a link to view photos
and more information: article/bishops-lent-pilgrimage2